
Bonnie Burns Location

Bonnie Burns

“I combine all my love of painting and clay into functional pottery to be used and loved by whoever takes it home.”

[...If you like my current work, take it now - my work is constantly evolving and I don't have time to look back!...]

I have never known a time I did not paint or draw or create. Art is ingrained in my psyche.I found the joy of clay later in life than most but after experimenting with it, decided it was the most versatile of mediums. I am married to Benjamin Burns, who is a wonderful man and potter. With clay, I can throw a simple functional pot or paint any number of designs on it with under glazes. I can slab out tiles for a floor, a counter top or a wall hanging. I can carve, sculpt or press clay into molds. I can alter thrown pots or combine several together to create a completely new item. Clay is a never ending trip of joy that only stops with my limited vision which I plan to expand as long as I live and grow as a clay artist.


191 Barken Haller Lane
Seagrove, NC 27341

336-879-9855 or 336-465-6584

Pottery Studio:

Redhare Pottery


Temporarily closed
Due to Covid
Call 336.465.6584 for appointment