
Jeff Dean Location

Jeff Dean

“Jeff Dean lives and works in Seagrove, N.C. Jeff attended East Carolina University where he earned a B.F.A. in Ceramic Design. He makes functional stoneware influenced by historical ceramics and architectural design.”

[...I'm just as excited about clay today, as the first day I ever touched this living material....]

I try to make pots that embody a strong sense of form. The forms generally come from something that I have seen in nature, or from a walk in a city or a town. Historical ceramics, architectural landscapes and oddly enough metal sculpture, jewelry, glass, and paintings seem to run through my mind whenever I am making my work as well. In whatever I create, I am always trying to balance form, function, and design into a cohesive grouping that will be pleasing to the owner. Most of my work is fired in a gas-fired kiln to cone 10. I use light colored stoneware clay, as well as local stoneware clay and porcelain to make the work. Some of the work that I produce is fired in a wood-burning kiln. Wood-firing to me is the purest and most natural way to fire clay. The marks that are achieved during a long firing are so beautiful that it is hard to believe that they were born of true serendipity. Whatever way I choose to finish the work seems to be only the vehicle for this most elusive and malleable of materials… clay.


7739 Nathan Lane
Seagrove, NC 27341


Pottery Studio:

Dean and Martin Pottery


