Bobbie Thomas
“In the heart of Seagrove, North Carolina is a rustic pottery studio where art and nature become one. The beauty of the countryside - its rich colors, textures and shapes - are captured into clay for a lifetime. Just as in nature, each stoneware creation is unique and represents the artistic vision of potters Scott and Bobbie Thomas.”
[...Taking home a piece of Thomas Pottery is like taking home a memento of North Carolinas beautiful countryside....]
Most people only wish they could follow their dreams, but potters Scott and Bobbie Thomas have made it a reality. Together they combine their talents to create a unique variety of functional and decorative stoneware pottery. By working in tandem they offer a level of skill resulting in pieces that are warm and emanate the natural beauty of their surroundings. Bobbie enjoys turning smaller items, but her passion lies with hand-building. Using flat pieces of clay she creates a variety of trays and platters. She embellishes her work by hand-painting, adding sculpted flowers or using handmade clay stamps creating an original piece of art.