
Michael Mahan Location

Michael Mahan

“Thirty years ago, Michael quit his job as a newspaper reporter and began making pots in Seagrove. Nowadays, deadlines are dictated by wet clay rather an editor looking over his shoulder.”

[...I was digging clay long before I discovered a source on my property that I could actually make pots with....]

MICHAEL MAHAN has been making pots in the Seagrove area for nearly 30 years. A former newspaper reporter, he now lives in Westmoore, six miles south of Seagrove. He grew up in Miami, Florida, and moved to North Carolina in 1974. While attending N.C. State University, he wrote a couple of stories on potters while working as an intern at the Enquirer-Journal in Monroe, NC. Michael took a couple of pottery classes at the university and didn’t find a means to pursue his interest in clay until moving to Asheboro in the early 1980s where he worked as a reporter at The Courier-Tribune for several years. He and his first wife, Jane Braswell, opened up Wild Rose Pottery in 1986, after they both took classes at Montgomery Community College in Troy for a few years. Michael opened up his current shop in 1998. He has three children: Wil, Chelsea, and Levi. Both Chelsea and Levi have an interest in making pots, and their work is for sale at Michael’s shop. Michael lives with his wife, Mary Holmes who grew up in Limerick, Ireland.


172 Crestwood Rd, Robbins, NC 27325


Pottery Studio:

From the Ground Up
